See ​the series of 6 videos below including subtopics on the video clock counter:

(See video 6 below for the topic of plagiarism)

1. The difference between working with online MS Word (PWA) and with the Desktop version of Word (Total -> 9:37):

a. Working with the online version of MS Word (the progressive web app - PWA) (-> at 1:00 min on the video counter).

b. How to share a Word doc with your team members for collaborative group editing (-> 2:10 min on counter).

c. How to create a share-hyperlink to your doc in an email using shortcut Ctrl&K (-> 3:30 min).

d. The main differences between the online version of MS Word and the desktop version (-> 4:30 min)

e. How to open the online Word doc and edit it in the desktop app for extra editing functions (-> 4:50 min

f. The EndNote and Grammarly add-ons in the desktop MS Word ribbon (-> 8:00 min)

g. Introduction to video no. 2 (-> 9:00 min) 

2. Editing and structuring a Word Doc essay and adding some cool features like headers and styles (Total ->14:21):

a. Summary of video no. 1

b. Intro to video 2: How to style and structure a typical academic essay (-> 0:45 on counter)

c. How to edit the Word doc header and add some basic information like name, date, and course code to it (-> 1:05)

d. Clicking back into the main body of the text to edit it (-> 2:30)

e. Embedding a style into your titles, headings, and subheadings that will allow you to create an automatic table of contents / TOC (-> 3:15)

f. Thinking of a good title for your essay to set the right expectations and hook your readers (-> 3:30)

g. Using align left, align centre, and right, and justify (-> 5:30)

h. Choosing a font (-> 5:45)

i. A note on structuring your essay with some great headings and sections (-> 7:20)

j. Intro to video no. 3 (-> 13:45)

3. Continuing to structure a Word doc and adding a typical data table (Total ->19:02):

a. Summary of videos 1 and 2

b. Creating a title and subtitle (-> 0:50)

c. Adding heading 2 styles to your subtitles (-> 3:30)

d. Choosing the right line-spacing as per your department's style guide (-> 6:10)

e. Using the format painter to copy over styles to other areas (-> 7:10)

f. Using the heading styles to create an auto-TOC (table of contents) (-> 8:30)

g. Adding hyperlinks to your text (-> 10:00)

h. Formatting and justifying the paragraph text (-> 11:30)

i. Inserting a data table into your essay using the example topic of "people's commuting behaviour" (-> 12:30)

j. Inserting the table and formatting it using the table styles (-> 15:15)

4. Adding images and eye candy to your Word doc and into the paragraphs (Total ->11:41):

a. The different types of images - adding images to your paragraphs (-> 1:20)

b. Using the "Tools" button in Google Images to source images that are not IP-protected i.e. are "Creative Commons" (-> 3:00)

c. Choosing a .png Image with a transparent background (-> 3:40)

d. Inserting the Image into the paragraph and resizing it (-> 4:20)

e. Choosing the proper image "text-wrapping" (-> 4:40)

f. Using the "Picture format" popup ribbon to add things like shadows to your images (-> 5:40)

g. Intro to video 5 (-> 11:10)

5. Sourcing material and pdfs and adding them to your EndNote references library either manually or automatically:

(...And inserting the references into your paragraph and creating a bibliography at the bottom of your essay (Total -> 36:04))

a. Using Google Scholar to look for papers you will use to inform and write your essay (-> 1:20)

b. The steps to take to write an essay or report and in what particular sequence (-> 3:00)

c. Pro-tip: Using PowerPoint slides to create a skeleton structure for your essay or report before you start writing (-> 4:00)

d. Go to Google Scholar to source your literature and scientific articles (-> 6:00)

e. Using Boolean operators AND, OR, and NOT in your Google Scholar search to filter out stuff you don't need in the search results (-> 7:00)

f. Looking through the Google Scholar search results and clicking into the PDFs (-> 7:45)

g. Organising all your source material into your OneNote note-taking and filing app (-> 9:30)

h. Inserting citations into your essay using EndNote (-> 14:00)

i. How to install EndNote (see link from video 1 above) (-> 14:10)

j. Creating an Endnote library file and saving it to your computer (-> 15:00)

k. Adding a new reference to your EndNote library (-> 17:00)

l. Saving your new reference to your list of references (-> 18:45)

m. The importance of adding the correct page numbers to your EndNote citation (-> 19:45)

n. Adding a quick automatic citation from Google Scholar to your EndNote library (-> 22:20)

o. Using the "Cite" button in Google Scholar (-> 22:45)

p. Inserting your first citation into your Word doc using the EndNote app (-> 24:50)

q. Getting an error in EndNote and googling what it means to troubleshoot it (-> 27:00)

r. Inserting the citation - take 2 (-> 33:00)

s. Formatting your EndNote bibliography at the bottom of your essay (-> 33:30)

6. Using EndNote and Grammarly to add citations to your Word doc and improve your writing and check for plagiarism:

(Adding citations directly from Google Scholar to your EndNote app, changing the referencing style and using to improve your writing (13:38))

a. Choosing the right referencing style for your citations e.g. Harvard, APA, or MLA etc. (-> 3:00)

b. Correcting the EndNote citation styles in your Word doc and seeing the differences between them (-> 5:00)

c. Using the Grammarly add-on to check your writing and any plagiarism (-> 7:10)

d. Setting the goals of your essay and choosing your audience (-> 8:15)

e. Correcting an "incomplete comparison" in your sentence (-> 9:00)

f. Checking if a comma is missing (-> 9:50)

g. Deciding if to use the passive voice or the active voice in your essay (-> 10:00)

h. Improving the "engagement" of your writing (-> 11:08)

i. Improving the "delivery" of your writing (-> 11:40)

j. Using Grammarly to check your essay for any "inadvertent" plagiarism (-> 12:05)

k. Intro to my next video series and contact me if you have any particular wishes and I'll try to make a screencast on a topic of your choice (-> 12:45)

If you have any questions on any of the topics in this video series, don't hesitate to shoot your question over to me by pinging me on MS Teams with my handle @Bourke, Gabriel or send me an email at